Your financial education and success are my main priority. Use the resources below to help get a handle on your current financial situation, so that you can create a game plan to get out of debt and start living your best life!

Use this excel file to compile all of your finances into one place so you can not only see where you are going, but how far you've come financially.

Once you know what your financial picture looks like, you can make a game plan to create the financial future you want - free of debt!

Get a monthly snapshot of your income and expenses to see how balanced they are and what your realistic saving strategy is.
These three tools are all you need to organize your current financial situation so you get a clear snapshot of where you are today and how you can accomplish your future financial goals. Give us your name and email, and we will send you all three to help you get the hell out of debt!

Download the list of conversation questions so you and your love can have deeper and more meaningful love and money talks!