In order to receive upgrades to the program and the additional free lifetime masterclasses, you will need to be subscribed to the email list.
Please include your physical shipping address in the event you've chosen to upgrade and include a physical copy of the book "Get the Hell Out of Debt" or in case Erin randomly decides to mail out prizes or swag. (She does this every week!)
We will not share your details with anyone or sell your information ever.
I understand that I am entirely responsible for my own results in life.
I understand that this program is for education and entertainment purposes and does not replace hiring a professional one-on-one for my unique financial circumstances.
If I do not put in the work, and I do not commit fully to becoming debt-free, I might not obtain the results of a typical graduate.
I will time-block at least 45 minutes a week to commit to my finances and following this program.
I will reach out to the moderators if I have a question, but at the end of the day, I understand that I am responsible for my financial decisions, my behaviors, my habits and my education.
I promise to be kind to other community members and not offer unsolicited advice. I promise to share only from my own experience.
I understand that I might graduate the program sooner than average, or later than average, but that I am empowered to make my own financial decisions.
I understand that I am not entitled to a refund for the program whether or not I do the work, because a portion of the funds for each purchase go to sponsor people into the program who otherwise would not have financial literacy available to them.
I also understand that the language in this program is adult, swear-y, and might be crass, and that even though the instructor had her mouth washed out with soap as a child, all it did was make her hate the smell of Irish Spring.