This is a program for GROWN-UPS to feel more equipped when having money conversations with kids. I have helped thousands of North Americans pay off millions of dollars of consumer debt and nearly every adult has said "I wish my parents had taught me these things!"

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On Demand Videos

Over 15 videos to help you gain perspective on what your kids need to learn to feel confident with money in 2-3 hours!

Full Color Workbook

Gain clarity on your own money issues as a parent and use what you learn as a future reference guide for teaching

Supportive Community

Access to my incredible social media community where you can ask questions, interact and be inspired

Raise Kids Who Are Confident With Money

You'll learn how to have effective and consistent money conversations with kids, so they can become financially confident adults! 

Whether you have pre-school aged children or teenagers preparing to move out of the home, this quick video series will help you focus your conversations with them to be age-appropriate!